Go to
Or click to Projects option from admin sidebar
Create a project
- Project Title: Name of the project
- Short Description: Write a short description for this project
- Main Description: This description will visible in the project details page describe everything clearly
- Preview Image: This image will visible in project list page
- Cover Image: This image will visible in project detail page
- Project Category: Select a category it will also work for filter by category
- Total Units: Set the units limits if the units are booked new investment will not visible
- Investment Amount: Set the amount of per unit
- Expire date: User can see the expire date of this project in the detail page
- Address: Write the Location of this project for trust
- Investment Calculation: Set the variations of investment for this project user can calculate it in the project page and the deuration will use for the return schedule of profit
- Faq: Write some common question of this project for reduce of support query
- SEO Settings: Its important for marketing and search engine
- Accept New Investors: if its enable user can invest to this project
- Make it publish: if its visibility of project
Profit Return
Create Profit Return schedule
- Project Durations: Select the variant of investment duration
- Return Type: Select return amount type
- Profit type: Select profit type is it profit or loss
- Amount: Enter the amount of profit or loss amount
- Return Date: Set the date and the schedule will calculate return in that day